MCT Oil: A Guide about Effects, Benefits and Application

MCT oil has become increasingly popular in the health and fitness scene in recent years. It is made up of healthy fatty acids often found in natural foods such as coconut oil, palm kernel oil and milk fats. MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides (= fatty acids), and the oil is known for its rapid absorption and ability to provide the body with fast energy. 

Unlike long-chain fatty acids, MCTs are transported directly to the liver where they can be used immediately as an energy source or converted into ketone bodies. These unique properties make MCT oil an ideal dietary supplement for a variety of purposes, including weight loss, cognitive health and athletic performance.

Effects and benefits of MCT oil

Weight loss and metabolism booster

MCT oil is an effective weight loss aid and can help speed up metabolism. Because MCTs are more easily digested and converted into energy more quickly, they lead to increased fat burning and decreased fat storage. 

Cognitive function and brain health

MCT oil may also help improve cognitive performance and support brain health. The rapid conversion of MCTs into ketone bodies allows for efficient energy production for the brain.

Energy and endurance

Athletes and active people also benefit from the advantages of MCT oil. The instant energy supply from MCTs can increase performance and endurance during exercise. Because MCT oil boosts metabolism and helps the body use fat as an energy source, it can also help athletes work out longer and more intensely while tiring less quickly.

MCT oil in the ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that aims to put the body into a state of ketosis. This process involves the body burning fat instead of glucose for energy. MCT oil is an ideal supplement for the ketogenic diet, as it provides the body with readily available fatty acids and promotes the production of ketone bodies. Using MCT oil in the ketogenic diet can help ease the transition into ketosis and support the maintenance of this state.

The correct dosage of MCT oil

The dosage of MCT oil varies depending on individual needs and goals. A general recommendation is to start with a dose of about 1 tablespoon per day and gradually increase up to 3 tablespoons daily. It is important to increase the intake of MCT oil slowly to minimize possible digestive issues. For individuals who are sensitive to fats or suffer from digestive problems, an even lower initial dose may be appropriate.

The best sources of MCT oil

MCT oil can be obtained from a variety of natural sources, with coconut oil and palm kernel oil being among the best sources. It is important to note that not all MCT oils have the same effects. 

Some contain a higher concentration of certain MCTs, such as caprylic acid or capric acid , which are known for their particularly rapid conversion to energy. 

When choosing an MCT oil, it is important to pay attention to the kinds of MCTs, the quality and the purity of the product. High-quality oils should be cold-pressed, hexane-free and produced without artificial additives or fillers.

Possible applications of MCT oil

MCT oil is versatile and can be incorporated into the daily diet plan in a variety of ways. Here are some possible applications:

  • Mix into smoothies or shakes to increase fat and energy intake
  • Add to coffee or tea to create a creamy, high-energy “Bulletproof” coffee
  • Use as a base for homemade salad dressings or marinades
  • Use for cooking and frying at low to medium temperatures
  • Add to bars or cereals for an extra energy boost